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      Hi&LO Setpoint compare
      Bright LED 0.56'(red)
      Input 0-5A(Current Transformer)can adjust fullscale 0-9999
      110/220 Free power supply 110/220V
      AC Voltage measurement
      Model Code Range Frequency Range Input Impedance Input Protection
      sc4-(P)AV-10V 0-9.999V 45Hz-400Hz ≥2MW ≤750V
      sc4-(P)AV-200V 0-200.0V 45Hz-400Hz ≥2MW ≤750V
      sc4-(P)AV-600V 0-600.0V 45Hz-400Hz ≥2MW ≤750V
      AC Current measurement
      Model Code Range Frequency Range Input Impedance Input Protection
      sc4-(P)AA-200mA 0-200.0mA 45Hz-400Hz ≤1W ≤1A
      sc4-(P)AA-2A 0-2.000A 45Hz-400Hz ≤0.1W ≤5A
      sc4-(P)AA-5A 0-5.000A 45Hz-400Hz ≤0.05W ≤7A
      sc4-(P)AA-20A 20A:5A 由用戶配置的互感器確定 1.2PerF.S.
      sc4-(P)AA-50A 50A:5A
      Notes:attention please:With AC C.T.of the second ampere is 5A that input current are bigger than 5A.And AC P.T.of the voltage second is 100V,if input volfage are higher than 1000V.
      Input mode Single ended
      A/D conerter V/F
      Sampling time ABt.2.5sec
      Over Range "----"
      Process Display Red LED(0.56')
      Setting Display Red LED(0.28')
      Polarity display Display"-"only
      Arlam output Relay output (250V 2A)
      Dielectic strength Ac1500V1min
      Insulation Res. DC500V≥100MW
      Power consumption 4.5VA
      Power supply 165V-245V 50Hz/60Hz
      Weight abt.500g

      Copyright 2002-2003      Sichuan Ludao Electrical Equipment Co,.Ltd. Tel:0830-2573101 2573102 Fax:0830-2573102
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