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      Low cost
      Bright LED 0.56'(red)
      Input 0-75mA(Shunt Resistor)can adjust fullscale 200-1999
      DC2V,20V,200V,600V measurement
      Power supply 145V-245V
      DC Voltage measurement
      Model Code Range MaX Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection
      sc3-DV-2V 0-1.999V 1mV ≤2MW ≤100V
      sc3-DV-20V 0-19.99V 10mV ≤2MW ≤750V
      sc3-DV-200V 0-199.9V 100mV ≤2MW ≤750V
      sc3-DV-600V 0-600V 1V ≤2MW ≤750V
      DC current measurement
      Model Code Range MaX Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection
      sc3-DA-200mA 0-199.9mA 100uA ≤1W ≤1A
      sc3-DA-2A 0-1.999A 1mA ≤0.1W ≤5A
      sc3-DA-5A 0-5.00A 10mA ≤0.05W ≤7A
      sc3-DA-20A 20A:75mV   1.2PerF.S
      sc3-DA-50A 50A:75mV
      Notes:Attention please:With DC Shunt Resistor of the second voltage is 75mV that input current are bigger than 5A.
      Input mode Single ended
      A/D conerter Dual slope
      Sampling time ABt.2.5sec
      Over Range "-1"or"1"
      Display Red LED(14.2mmH)
      Polarity display Display"-"only
      Power supply 145V-245V 50Hz/60Hz
      Power consumption ≤1.5VA
      Dielectic strength Ac1500V1min
      Insulation Res. DC500V≥100MW
      Weight abt. 500g
      Copyright 2002-2003      Sichuan Ludao Electrical Equipment Co,.Ltd. Tel:0830-2573101 2573102 Fax:0830-2573102
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